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Unconditional Love

There are days where I'm convinced that I am not worthy of love. No love. None, whatsoever. Not my husband's, or my sons', and especially not Jesus'. I let the lies of the enemy take over my thoughts and I start to believe that words I said to my husband or children or anybody, out of anxiety and fear (or hunger. amirite?) have deemed me unlovable. Like Jesus has some kind of 3-strikes-and-you're-out system in heaven, determining whether or not I get his love and acceptance that day. It's amazing to me how easily I let these destructive trains of thought take root when I KNOW the truth. I KNOW what Jesus says about me! But, why do I choose to believe the lie? Simple. Because I am putting His UNCONDITIONAL love into a box. I am putting limits on it, when the very word "unconditional" suggest THERE ARE NO LIMITS TO HIS LOVE. There is nothing you or I can do to cause Him not to love us. There's a song called "Reckless Love" put out by B...

A Good God in a Bad World

I have heard many varying opinions from a lot of wonderful individuals about this topic and I decided that maybe I should give mine. Now the most popular opinion, it seems, is that God can't be good, because of the current corruption this world is experiencing. Because there is murder. Because babies die. Because ANYONE dies. Because of abuse. Because of disease, anxiety, depression. If you can think of it, you can probably convince yourself its a reason not to believe in His goodness. And to be totally honest; I get it. It's almost impossible to really comprehend the fact that there can be a GOOD GOD in such a BAD WORLD. But can I let you in on a secret? There are things we're just not ever going to have an answer to. At least not this side of Heaven. And I know even that is hard to hear (believe me I know. Type A over here), especially in a society where we seek to understand everything. Simply put: He IS good and you don't have to try and make sense of it (that's...

The Drama of Parenthood

Let me start by saying that I totally realize I've started and stopped several blogs over the years, but here's to this one sticking! Hopefully. We'll see.... I know I should probably start my first blog post with an introduction, but since most of the people  reading this already know me, I figured I'd fore go that for now. Sorry. I know you're all dying to hear me talk about myself *sarcasm* Anywhooo, today I want to share something I came across yesterday. I was reading a blog about motherhood a friend shared on Facebook. I can't remember who shared it or even exactly what it was about, but it was one of those "the days are long, but years short" kind of blog, a motherhood is hard, but worth it kind of post. Which I 100% agree with. What I don't agree with is a comment someone left on this particular post. The comment said, "Such drama! We're all born to be mother's. It's natural and beautiful". Now everyone has a r...